Parent Resources

This page offers easy access to a wealth of resources on key topics such as mental health, substance use prevention, positive youth development, and family communication strategies, designed to empower and equip parents with the knowledge and resources they need to foster strong, positive family dynamics.

The Great Rewiring of Childhood with Dr. Alicia Farrell

In the first of the two part series “The Great Rewiring of Childhood: Support and Strategies for Raising a Confident and Self-Reliant Child”, Dr Alicia Ferrell shares action steps that parents with children of all ages, as well as professionals, can take to stop the epidemic of mental illness and restore a more resilient childhood.


Local Resource Supports

HK Backpack Program- Food for the weekend for HK students
Helping Hands (Killingworth) Food Pantry
Haddam Food Bank Food Pantry
Haddam Community Closet- Diaper bank & free gently used clothing for all ages
211:  Confidential Call for Assistance
Renter Assistance Programs

Crisis Resources

Early Childhood

211 Child Care: 211 Child Care helps families find childcare options that meet their needs. Their services include referrals to licensed providers, financial assistance information, and guidance on early childhood programs.

Birth to Three: Connecticut’s Birth to Three system supports infants and toddlers with developmental delays and disabilities. Through everyday routines, they help children grow and reach their full potential with family-centered services.

CT Office of Early Childhood: The Connecticut Office of Early Childhood oversees programs and services that support young children, families, and early educators. They focus on childcare, home visiting, early intervention, and school readiness.

Care 4 Kids: Care 4 Kids helps low to moderate income families in Connecticut pay for child care costs.  This program is sponsored by the Connecticut Office of Early Childhood.  

HUSKY Insurance: HUSKY Health provides Connecticut families with affordable healthcare coverage for children and eligible parents.
Learn more about benefits, eligibility, and how to apply for state-sponsored insurance.

Zero to Three: Zero to Three offers expert-backed resources to help parents understand and support their child’s early development. Their guidance covers topics such as brain development, behavior, and early learning.

NAEYC for Families: The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) provides research-based tips for parents. Topics include child development, literacy, math, music, and fostering a love for learning at home.

Middlesex Health offers programs such as Healthy Futures and Pregnant with Possibilities to support expecting parents and young families. These resources promote maternal health, early childhood well-being, and family stability.

Child FIRST: Child FIRST provides home visiting services for families with children ages 0-5 who have emotional, behavioral, or developmental needs. They also support families facing significant challenges such as poverty, maternal depression, and domestic violence.


A Brighter Way, LLC: A Brighter Way, LLC offers Applied Behavior Therapy services in Haddam for children with Autism. They provide both in-center and in-home therapy to support developmental growth and behavioral skills .860-316-7437


Elementary School

Operation Parent:

Operation Parent is a national nonprofit that exists to empower parents and caregivers to fully engage in ongoing conversations with their K-12 children about technology, substance use, and mental health issues for purposes of prevention.

HKYFS has copies of the Operation Handbook for both elementary and middle/high school aged youth.   Please reach out to us at  to pick up a copy.


Wait Until 8th:

HKYFS has been partnering with the HK community to promote the Wait Until 8th Campaign!   Childhood is changing for children.  Playing outdoors, spending time with friends, reading books, and hanging out with families is happening less to make room for snap chatting, instagramming, videogaming, and You-Tube.

This campaign provides information, resources, and an opportunity to come together as parents and caregivers to pledge to hold off until 8th grade for a smart device and even older for social media.   Check it out!



We often get asked about Roblox and its impact on kids.    Check out this great handout explaining more.

Middle School

Operation Parent:

Operation Parent is a national nonprofit that exists to empower parents and caregivers to fully engage in ongoing conversations with their K-12 children about technology, substance use, and mental health issues for purposes of prevention.

HKYFS has copies of the Operation Handbook for both elementary and middle/high school aged youth.   Please reach out to us at  to pick up a copy.


Wait Until 8th:

HKYFS has been partnering with the HK community to promote the Wait Until 8th Campaign!   Childhood is changing for children.  Playing outdoors, spending time with friends, reading books, and hanging out with families is happening less to make room for snap chatting, instagramming, videogaming, and You-Tube.

This campaign provides information, resources, and an opportunity to come together as parents and caregivers to pledge to hold off until 8th grade for a smart device and even older for social media.   Check it out!



We often get asked about Roblox and its impact on kids.    Check out this great handout explaining more.


The JED Foundations Mental Health Resource Center

The JED Foundations Mental Health Resource Center provides essential information about common emotional health issues and shows teens and young adults how they can support one another, overcome challenges, and make a transition to adulthood.   This resource is a great one to share with your youth and utilize to spark conversations about topics impacting them!


The Trevor Project

The Trevor Project is the leading suicide prevention and crisis intervention nonprofit organization for LGBTQ+ young people. They provide information & support to LGBTQ+ young people 24/7, all year round.


Parent Movement 2.0

When it comes to preventing drug use among kids, parents are the most important factor. But access to a drug and the perception of its harm are two powerful Environmental Prevention factors that help reduce use as well.   Educating yourself about current trends and strategies for talking to your children is effective.   Visit our Prevention Section for more information about specific substances.

High School

The JED Foundations Mental Health Resource Center

The JED Foundations Mental Health Resource Center provides essential information about common emotional health issues and shows teens and young adults how they can support one another, overcome challenges, and make a transition to adulthood.   This resource is a great one to share with your youth and utilize to spark conversations about topics impacting them!


Mindfulness for Teens:

This website provides resources and supports that might prove useful for teens.


The Trevor Project

The Trevor Project is the leading suicide prevention and crisis intervention nonprofit organization for LGBTQ+ young people. They provide information & support to LGBTQ+ young people 24/7, all year round.


Parent Movement 2.0

When it comes to preventing drug use among kids, parents are the most important factor. But access to a drug and the perception of its harm are two powerful Environmental Prevention factors that help reduce use as well.   Educating yourself about current trends and strategies for talking to your children is effective.   Visit our Prevention Section for more information about specific substances.

Operation Parent:

Operation Parent is a national nonprofit that exists to empower parents and caregivers to fully engage in ongoing conversations with their K-12 children about technology, substance use, and mental health issues for purposes of prevention.

HKYFS has copies of the Operation Handbook for both elementary and middle/high school aged youth.   Please reach out to us at  to pick up a copy.




Access to evidence-based and accurate information about the substances most impacting our youth and families is important.   Below are just some of the helpful tools available.

 One Choice Prevention:

It is a myth that all teens “experiment” with substance use.

Did you know that nationwide  64% of high school seniors haven’t used any substances in the past month, and over 36% have never used them in their lifetime?  Check out our local data for 2023 HK statistics (

More than ever, young people are making the One Choice to stay substance-free.

Discover how you can support teens in making the One Choice to stay substance-free.





The My Life, My Quit program is a free and confidential service for teens who want help quitting all forms of tobacco including vaping.

Truth Initiative’s This is Quitting Program: This free mobile program is designed to help young people quit e-cigarettes. Resources are available for teens and young adults as well as parents.



 Cannabis/Marijuana Drug Facts: National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)

Learn about Marijuana Risks: Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)

Connecticut Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (DMHAS)

 Counterfeit/Prescription Medications

Parent’s Guide to Opioid Prevention

We know that opioid use has increased among youth and adults across our country.   Prevention starts early and this guide provides many strategies related to talking to your kids and building the foundation for healthy living and choices


Talk to Kids About Important Things
Partnership to End Opioid Addiction
Demand Zero Opioid Overdoses
Prevention and Health Promotion Information on Vaping, Smoking, Suicide, Addiction

Back to School Resources

While exciting, the start of a new school year can also be challenging with new teachers, friends, and expectations. Identify ways to support children and teens in your life: check in daily, share a meal together, and start conversations. Parents and caregivers: remember that you are role models for your kids and the other young people you care about.


How can you help keep kids safe?

  • Have conversations about staying safe: wear a seatbelt, use a helmet, don’t drive or walk distracted (e.g., with a cell phone), be careful on social media, and limit screen time.
  • Monitor and lock up substances in your home, including any alcohol, THC/cannabis, Rx drugs, and over-the-counter medications.
  • Make a plan together so your child knows how to get out of a risky situation (don’t get in a car with an impaired driver, don’t walk alone at night, practice refusal skills to steer clear of substances).

Are you ready to support the mental health of youth in your life?

  • Practice self-care and healthy coping strategies and model them for the kids in your life.
  • Some people use substances to change how they feel, but substance use often makes mental health challenges worse.
  • Many people struggle from time to time. It’s ok to not be ok, but it’s important to get help!

Are you ready to set goals and establish expectations for the school year?

  • Balance looks different for every child and every family. Help your child find balance with homework, social activities, work, extracurriculars, family time, etc.
  • Review and set family expectations for staying healthy: screen time, sleep, nutrition, activities, etc.
  • Reflect on the past school year: what went well? What would you do differently?

How can you encourage the youth in your life to build healthy relationships?

  • Get to know the people in your kids’ lives. Who are they spending time with?
  • Start a conversation about what makes a good friend. How can your child be that friend to others?
  • Remind young people that friends help one another to be kind and to stay healthy and safe.

Are you ready to prevent youth substance abuse?

  • While it may not always feel like it, parents and caregivers have a powerful influence on teen behavior: what you say and do matters.
  • Substance use is unhealthy for the developing brain. Make clear your expectations of NO youth use of alcohol, nicotine, marijuana, and other drugs.
  • Talk about substance use as a health priority. Not using before age 21 is the health standard for youth.
  • Prevention isn’t a single conversation: talk early and talk often.