Upcoming Events

Haddam-Killingworth Youth and Family Services invites everyone in the community to participate in programs throughout the year to help those in need and to raise funds to support our vital work.

Some programs help families in need at the start of the school year and during the holidays. One gives the community at large an easy way to safely dispose of prescription drugs. And there are several fun events, supported by generous sponsors, to help us raise the funds we need to provide our vital services.
February 12, 2025  
  7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

The Great Rewiring of Childhood:  Support and Strategies for Raising a Confident and Self-Reliant Child

The Great Rewiring of Childhood:  Support and Strategies for Raising a Confident and Self-Reliant Child A call to action with steps that parents with children of all ages, as well as professionals, can take ...
February 7, 2025 | 12:00 pm

New HK Mentor Information Session

Looking for an easy and rewarding way to support HK youth?  Join us for an information session about the HK Mentoring Program! Bu spending just one day a week with a student in school, ...
February 8, 2025 | 10:30 am - 12:30 pm

HK Family Hikers

Renee and Alli are so excited to team up with Miss Fig at the KW Library! Let’s keep exploring our local trails by learning all about beavers and then investigating the trails by a ...
February 24, 2025 | 12:00 pm

HK Community Coalition - February

The HK Community Coalition meets to share insights into everyday issues and challenges facing the community and to collaboratively develop plans, policies, and strategies to meet those challenges. Issues addressed include alcohol and drug abuse, ...
March 5, 2025 | 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

Food and Mood

Join us for a FUN night of cooking and dining with your child! What we put into our bodies impacts how we feel- this hands-on cooking class will not only provide you and your ...
March 18, 2025  
March 25, 2025  
  6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

Girls Talk

Join us for two fun and informational nights! This two-part workshop is full of laughs, connection, and warmth is designed to give girls and a trusted adult a better understanding of the changes their ...
March 24, 2025 | 12:00 pm

HK Community Coalition - March

The HK Community Coalition meets to share insights into everyday issues and challenges facing the community and to collaboratively develop plans, policies, and strategies to meet those challenges. Issues addressed include alcohol and drug abuse, ...
March 25, 2025 | 3:45 pm - 5:15 pm


LIFTED is a program designed for middle school aged boys, focused on supporting personal growth and development and creating a positive community. This program is a partnership between HKYFS and HK Health and Fitness ...
April 21, 2025 | 12:00 pm

HK Community Coalition - April

The HK Community Coalition meets to share insights into everyday issues and challenges facing the community and to collaboratively develop plans, policies, and strategies to meet those challenges. Issues addressed include alcohol and drug ...
April 27, 2025 | 8:30 am - 5:30 pm

Connection Quest

HKYFS invites you to this full-day of adventure designed to enhance communication and connection between boys and a trusted male guardian. Make memories of a lifetime and build on communication skills to help support ...