2023 Youth Survey Results

The survey aims to capture the voices of youth and leverage their insights to drive meaningful improvements and support initiatives that resonate with the needs of the community.


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The Youth Voices Count Survey, conducted by HKYFS in December 2023, offers critical insights into the perspectives and experiences of students enrolled in Haddam-Killingworth public schools, grades 9-12. The data collected from this survey will play a pivotal role in informing the development of strategies, policies, and practices not only for HKYFS but also for other educational and social service organizations in the community. It’s important to note that while this survey was administered within the school setting, the findings are intended to reflect the broader communities of Haddam and Killingworth rather than solely representing the school environment.

The objectives of the survey are twofold:

  • Firstly, to describe youth perceptions and experiences related to substance use, mental health, school environment, social media, and online gaming, and
  • Secondly, the information provided by youth should be utilized to inform and enhance initiatives and activities tailored for youth in the community.

This comprehensive survey aims to systematically capture the voices of youth and leverage their insights to drive meaningful improvements and support initiatives that resonate with the needs of the community.


Survey Outcomes

In the fall semester of 2023, youth at Haddam-Killingworth High School, grades 9-12, participated in the Youth Voices Count Survey on youth lifestyles, substance use, mental health, related risk, and protective factors. The overall response rate was 67%.


Alcohol remains the most used substance in youths’ lifetimes.







Youth from Haddam-Killingworth who have used any substance in their lifetime are more likely to have increased behavioral health concerns, including thoughts of self-harm and self-harm behaviors, feeling sad or hopeless two or more weeks in a row, have considered suicide, and have experienced food insecurity.

Risk Factors

Research shows that parents and peers are the leading influence on youths’ decisions on whether to use substances or not. These show the percentages of youth reporting their parents or friends feel it is moderately or greatly wrong to use alcohol or marijuana.


Ease of access to substances has been shown to have a significant relationship with youth substance use. The figure below reflects the percentage of youth reporting it is very or sort of hard to access substances.



Youth from Haddam-Killingworth reported accessing alcohol most frequently from:

  • Friends / peers
  • Home without parental permission
  • Home with parental permission

Marijuana was most frequently acquired from:

  • Friends / peers
  • Store
  • Home without parental permission

76% of youth from Haddam-Killingworth (grades 9-12) report clear family rules around alcohol use, compared to 84% around marijuana, and 86% around vaping.

Mental Health in the Past Year

33.1% of youth (grades 9-12) in Haddam-Killingworth reported having anxiety in the past year “always” or “almost always.” The most frequent sources of stress and anxiety included academics, post-high school plans, and schedule.

17.2% of youth reported feeling sad or hopeless, so much that it stopped them from doing usual activities two or more weeks in a row. 8.6% reported having considered suicide in the past year.

Presentation of the Survey Results



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