The start of school comes with so many emotions for everyone.  Take a moment to prepare with a few tips from


Vaping has become one of the most popular forms of substance use among young people, despite it being illegal to sell to anyone under the age of 21 and growing evidence of its health risks and harms. One pod often contains as much nicotine as an entire pack of cigarettes.

In our 2021 youth survey,  15% of HK 7th-12th graders reported vaping in the last 30 days. With ample advertising geared toward teens and young adults, the availability of brightly colored vape pens and thousands of flavors to choose from, the expectation is that this trend will continue.  The Partnership to End Addiction shares what you need to know to protect children, teens and young adults including how it affects their health and the connection between vaping and marijuana.  Check out their free guide for parents.   The Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids offers information, videos and key conversations tips to consider before talking to your kids about the serious health risks they e-cigarettes pose to young people. Data and Information about Emerging Trends, Tobacco in Pop Culture and How to Quit