HKYFS Parenting Program


(February 15, 2024) — Haddam Killingworth Youth and Family Services is committed to providing families with opportunities and resources to support their children’s development, emotional well-being and success.   With all the advice, social media pages, and influencers in our modern world, it can be hard to know what’s helping our children and what can hinder them from being successful.

HKYFS is offering a two-part ZOOM series with Erica Cuni, LMFT who is a renowned national Keynote Speaker and parenting consultant.   She is known as the “Burnout Professor” and will offer guidance and tips for parents and caregivers as they navigate the complexities of parenting and helping families’ mental health thrive.  This program is appropriate for families with youth of all ages. Prevention starts early!

This free two part virtual series is on February 27, 2024 and March 19, 2024 from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.   Register at

Please contact with any questions.

“Burnout Be Gone”; HKYFS Offers a Guide to Modern Parenting