The Great Rewiring of Childhood:  Support and Strategies for Raising a Confident and Self-Reliant Child

January 15, 2025 | 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm

The Great Rewiring of Childhood:  Support and Strategies for Raising a Confident and Self-Reliant Child

A call to action with steps that parents with children of all ages, as well as professionals, can take to stop the epidemic of mental illness and restore a more resilient childhood.

Parents have enormous influence in their child’s life- even during these chaotic and uncertain times when it feels like we have all lost control.

This series is for parents with children of any age, and is meant to ground you in the practical and in what really matters. You will walk away with tools, tips and parenting philosophies that help you regain your sanity and that you can apply immediately. This includes:

  • Understanding the impact of the digital age and social media on our kids with the book, The Anxious Generation, as a guide for discussion and practical steps.
  • How to reduce conflict with and encourage self-reliance in children of any age.
  • How not to get trapped taking responsibility for what your children can do for themselves.
  • How to create a family philosophy that helps you navigate technology use, establish age-appropriate boundaries/expectations, and inspire healthy choices.

This talk is worth your time. Please join us. It is appropriate for parents of any-aged children or young adults, grandparents, teachers, counselors, administrators, community leaders, and mental health professionals.

Session 1 (Jan.  15) :

Session 2 (Feb. 12):

Event Details

Event Details
January 15, 2025
7:00 pm to 8:30 pm
Event Hosts
Event Location
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