Community Conversation

The Haddam Killingworth community is invited to participate in an essential conversation surrounding youth mental health and substance use rates at a forthcoming community forum. This event, scheduled for April 18, 2024, from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., will be held at Haddam Killingworth Intermediate/Middle School.

Emily Rosenthal, MPH MSW, will lead the discussion by presenting recently acquired data from a survey conducted in December. Rosenthal brings a wealth of knowledge to the table, providing attendees with a comprehensive understanding of the current landscape regarding youth mental health and substance use in Haddam and Killingworth.

Prevention Coordinator Kyana Anderson noted “It is important to highlight that our survey results overall were positive. I want to encourage all HK parents and community members to take advantage of this event and engage in this conversation. It is imperative to start the conversation early, and HK Youth and Family Services is here for support.”

In addition to Rosenthal’s presentation, the forum will feature a panel of Haddam Killingworth High School students who will share their perspectives and experiences. Their firsthand accounts will offer valuable insights into the challenges faced by youth in our community and underscore the importance of addressing these issues collaboratively.

Furthermore, the forum will provide attendees with access to a diverse array of community resources and agencies dedicated to supporting youth mental health and well-being. Agencies including BHCare, Prism Counseling, Root Center for Advanced Recovery and HK Community Coalition will be on hand to offer information, guidance and support to individuals seeking assistance or wanting to learn more about available resources. Additionally, a special Hidden in Plain Sight presentation will be available for attendees.

This community forum represents a crucial step toward raising awareness, fostering dialogue and promoting action to address the pressing issues of youth mental health and substance use. By coming together as a community, we can create a safer, more supportive environment for our youth to thrive.

Light refreshments will be available, as well as babysitting services with required registration. Join us for this important conversation and contribute to positive change in Haddam Killingworth.

For more information, please contact Kyana Anderson at 860-345-7498 or


HKYFS Hosts Community Conversation on Youth Mental Health April 18th