Submitted by Carol Dupuis, HKYFS Board of Directors
(May 17, 2023) — Recently, I picked up mail for Haddam-Killingworth Youth and Family Services at the Post Office. I opened some of it there.
One was a check for $150.15. It came with a lovely note signed by three students, Maria, Brylee and Isla. They had organized a jewelry fundraiser at the Intermediate School. They made the jewelry and sold it during lunchtime, “because we like the services you provide.” They wrote, “we hope that you can put the money we raised to good use.” The girls used colorful pencils to write the note and drew lovely flowers on it.
I must say that it brightened my day and choked me up a bit. It had been a stretch of just awful things going on in our country and the world. This put a smile back on my face, as it did to the others in the office, when I showed them.
We arranged to go to the IS to meet the girls in person to thank them. Mr. Larson also had words of praise for the kindness of the girls. One of the girls, Brylee, was wearing one of the beautiful bracelets they made. It was so pretty.