HKYFS is one of 100 YSBs serving 142 towns across Connecticut. A stand-alone nonprofit agency, we are part of the delivery system for youth and family services within the Connecticut Department of Children and Families (DCF).
As a Youth Service Bureau (YSB), our job is to: assess the needs of youth and the availability of resources to meet them; develop resources to improve services and fill gaps, and to encourage the creation of innovative programs; conduct programs to increase the public’s knowledge and understanding of youth needs; advocate for youth groups whose needs
are not being met and for individuals having difficulties obtaining services; maintain confidentiality when reporting youth data to the State Department of Education, providing the data they need for evaluations and grants.
The work of HKYFS encompasses counseling services and support; direct prevention services; case management referral and follow-up services; resource support; coordination of services working with other local providers of health, social, and educational services.