Gearing Up For Middle School

Haddam-Killingworth Youth and Families Services and HKIS are partnering to offer this event, “Gearing Up for Middle School”. This is a hands-on evening designed to encourage conversation, address excitement/fears around moving up to 6th grade, and facilitate early prevention strategies for youth and families. Research tells us that talking early and often about worries, expectations, excitement, and risky behavior is extremely important now, and as children continue to grow through Middle and High School. All parents and caregivers will receive information and resources to take home to continue conversation and connection.

Pizza Dinner Provided

Coming together as a community,
creating positive change.

We envision a connected community where youth & families
are resilient and feel safe, supported, and empowered.


Programs & Services

Our services include support for family crises, school truancy, substance abuse, and youth crime; programs for positive youth development, bullying prevention, and mentoring; and diversion options for at-risk youth committing first offenses, functioning as a Juvenile Review Board (JRB).

learn more

Events & Activities

HKYFS runs events throughout the year. The goal is to have fun and raise money while supporting a variety of needs in the Haddam-Killingworth community.

join us

Meaningful Impact

18 mentors

Last year 18 adults mentored Haddam and Killingworth 3rd-8th graders.


Last year  HKYFS redirected $188,000 in grant funding to benefit HK Youth and their families.


Last year, 104 children received holiday gifts through our Holiday Giving Program


Coming together to better our community.

Offering everyone unique ways to share ideas on how we can effectively solve problems and make our community a better place for us all to live.

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Support from early childhood through high school.

Providing help to children of all ages through innovative programs addressing a range of challenges.

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All kinds of ways to help each other.

Programs that offer help to those in need, and give members of the community the opportunity to help those less fortunate.

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Confidential services available to all.

Counseling services for families, young people, and individuals of all ages, available to Haddam and Killingworth residents regardless of their financial situation.

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Community News

Last year HKYFS ran 50 programs for youth, parents, and the community ranging from positive youth development, to suicide awareness education.
Follow @youthandfamilyhk
📣Our Friends @haddam_historical_society  are offering this FREE opportunity to visit the Thankful Arnold House with your children!  Jump back in time and celebrate Week of the Young Child with a Paper Quilting Bee!

Friday, April 18, 10-11AM

Registration Required:
📣 Heads up 5th grade families!  Gearing Up is an opportunity for you and your rising 6th grader to talk together about excitement/worries about heading to MS, communicate about important issues, and gain valuable prevention tools and resources!

Join HKYFS, our HKIS and HKMS principals, and High School Ignite Leaders in a hands-on night of interaction, learning, and fun. 

April 10th
6-7:30 PM
Pizza Dinner Provided

📣April Vacation is Coming!  April 14-18🌿💐

Celebrate National Week of the Young Child with this lineup of FREE programs from many supporters of HK's kids and families! 

Daffodils * Crafts * Stories * Local History * Quilting Bee

Visit for info and registration for all events!

@Halfinger Farms Greenhouses,Pumpkins & PYO Daffodils 
Haddam Historical Society-Thankful Arnold House Museum 
Killingworth Library Association
Today the world recognizes Global Unplugging Day

Some talented HK kids designed posters sharing how they Unplug and want our community to join in!

For ideas today and every day!  #globalunpluggingday
Play Like a Kid!

One dad shares-  Celebrate Global Day of Unplugging

Your go-to resource for all kinds of help.

HKYFS is one of 100 YSBs serving 142 towns across Connecticut. A stand-alone nonprofit agency, we are part of the delivery system for youth and family services within the Connecticut Department of Children and Families (DCF).

As a Youth Service Bureau (YSB), our job is to: assess the needs of youth and the availability of resources to meet them; develop resources to improve services and fill gaps, and to encourage the creation of innovative programs; conduct programs to increase the public’s knowledge and understanding of youth needs; advocate for youth groups whose needs

are not being met and for individuals having difficulties obtaining services; maintain confidentiality when reporting youth data to the State Department of Education, providing the data they need for evaluations and grants.

The work of HKYFS encompasses counseling services and support; direct prevention services; case management referral and follow-up services; resource support; coordination of services working with other local providers of health, social, and educational services.

2024 Pumpkin Run Sponsors